Both emblema plans reflect such a city experience that is able to show the two faces of the city at the same time: the young, trendy, the alternative, the contemporary  and the city that uses the language of the international communication. However beside this modern 21st century values ​​-  because of the emphasis and commitment
to the values – it also shows the city's classical values​​: the Danube which connects the city's two banks, but it is also a kind of symbolic link between East and West for centuries, or the world of Spas which makes Budapest the city of waters  and also a key tourist destination.
The two brackets that are turned into front of each other show simultaneously the defining symbol of the city the Danube which remains the part of the communication, however through the signs that are placed between the brackets it becomes easy to communicate each and every actual content.
The star which is enclosed between the inverted brackets show and the emoticon directing the attention to the values ​​of the elite culture. Thus by playing with the logo such subbrands can be created which are easily open
to different target groups and contents by considering tha basis of the brand.
                                  first photo: Dániel Végel second photo: Balázs Glódi
                                  photo: Balázs Glódi
                                  second photo: Balázs Glódi
photo: Balázs Glódi
                                  photo: Balázs Glódi
                                  photo: Balázs Glódi
                                  photo: Balázs Glódi
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